Planting Oregano
2022-03-22, Joscha:
While most of 4A are in my old home country, Germany, we've been undertaking some work in the garden -everything in English, of course, with a Fourth Bilingual.
We've been planting oregano today, using plants we were given by the Junta de Extremadura's Reforestation Fund.
We planted the oregano on terraces we carved out of the slope between the gym and the main terrain of the garden -you can see a plan of the terrain here.
The ground there is pretty stony and pretty loamy -it took some effort. We dug some "trenches" (somehow I prefer the word to "furrows" in this context) using hoes, a pick, and a shovel, then filled them in with some planting earth from a sack I'd donated.Then, we put in the oregano plants. We teased apart the roots a bit, of course, then buried the root systems in the new terraces, respecting leaves and stems.
In the end, obviously, we needed to water our new plantation, mainly to compact the earth and eliminate air bubbles that might have been left.
All the while we were speaking English (well, OK, some more "private" conversation was in Spanish), so we were able to combine a conversation class, outdoor activity, and a lot of fun, on one of those days when a "normal" class was simply out of the question. Plus, we got another "trench" prepared that served younger students to get started on the reforestation project later today.Just like our classmates who are in Germany right now will need to document their journey in presentations and radio interviews once they come back, the kids who did such a marvellous job today will be giving interviews on Onda Trampal pretty soon, and our work this week will be on YouTube.
Keep your eyes peeled -soon, the video and audio reports will be online.
Update: Here are the videos
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