Planting Oregano

2022-03-22, Joscha : While most of 4A are in my old home country, Germany, we've been undertaking some work in the garden -everything in English, of course, with a Fourth Bilingual. We've been planting oregano today, using plants we were given by the Junta de Extremadura's Reforestation Fund . We planted the oregano on terraces we carved out of the slope between the gym and the main terrain of the garden -you can see a plan of the terrain here . The ground there is pretty stony and pretty loamy -it took some effort. We dug some "trenches" (somehow I prefer the word to "furrows" in this context) using hoes, a pick, and a shovel, then filled them in with some planting earth from a sack I'd donated. Then, we put in the oregano plants. We teased apart the roots a bit, of course, then buried the root systems in the new terraces, respecting leaves and stems. In the end, obviously, we needed to water our new plantation, mainly ...